In today’s world, it has become increasingly hard for families to be strong.

AJ Webb
I’ve Heard It Both Ways
2 min readSep 30, 2017


Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

I’ve read articles recently that talked about why the people you’re related to aren’t supposed to be anything more than relatives and that friends are easier to be with and get along with because they understand you more and are more like you.

In my youth I may have agreed with that notion, to some degree. I may have seen the benefit of being closer to my friends than my family. Pushing myself into a life where friends garnered more respect and higher rapport than my family.

As a father of three, I now understand the truth behind family, the immeasurable love that I have for my wife and my children. Sure there are times that my family fights, there are times that my children are frustrating. Other times I’m probably frustrating to them. When all is said and done, my family means more to me than anything else on this earth, I want to spend my time with them. I want to read books together, watch shows together, solve corn mazes with each other. There is not a single group of people I’d rather be with than my family.

Can it be frustrating and hard to be part of a family? You bet it can, but it is easily the most rewarding thing in my life to make the effort during the hard times, as they pay off so so much in the good times.



#InstagramHusband of @niseywebb. Frontend Manager for @sofi. Co-creator of my daughters Presley & Marley and son Cache